I was married to a vietnam vet who had violence issues and I was forced to separate from him because he would not seek help. He spent the next 10 years blaming me, and even punishing my children to get at me.
He had part ownership of the house but refused to do any repairs for up keep - he refused to help with special christmas gifts, saying child support covered everything. When I refused to take him back, he remarried just in time to cut me out of any veteran's benefits.
He died in his 40s because of agent orange, and didn't leave anything to me or the children in his will - again, to punish me. He had no other children and none by his second wife, but left her everything in his will.
I had to raise my children on my disability income and what I could earn as a writer and an artist (and you can guess how much that is). Being perpetually poor and perpetually borrowing money has now put me in danger of foreclosure and the victim of another system - our government -claiming to help, has ended up delaying help so long, it has pushed my lenders to initiate foreclosure.
Women have been economic victims for centuries. My grandmother's brother had their mother sign over everything to him before she died, and of course it used to be law that the male child/ren were the only beneficiaries of estates. But when that law changed, men still found a way to cheat women.
Please feel free to send me any petition links you have on this cause, and please consider signing mine, if you don't mind. Thank you for your work on this cause.
Dear Punished:
You may have sacrificed your "alimony," but your children have rights, including back support. The District Attorney should be aware of this and help you contest his estate. Your children have a right to go to be housed, go to college to learn a skill and succeed in this world with stipends from a dead beat dad.
Sometimes, a mother has no proof of being punished. But, we all know that men are more concerned with material matters and will do anything to further his agenda, including taking it out on a vulnerable mother.
Contact me at (http://judiciary.zoomshare.com) and maybe I can help you choose documents that you need to file in your local courthouse.
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